Methanol & Methanol Derivatives
Renewable Methanol
Methanol is a simple but immensly important alcohol with many uses. It is an ideal fuel for generating heat, power, and use as a marine fuel. It is used as a feedstock to produce (partial list):
- Manufacturing of polymers / plastics
- DiMethyl Ether
- Gasoline
- Acetic Acid
Renewable Methanol Market - Marine Fuel
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Renewable DiMethyl Ether (DME)
DME is a biodegradable chemical commonly used as a spray can propellant. DME is an excellent fuel for cooking, heating, and transportation. List of DME uses (partial list):
- Soot Free low NOx bio-degradable diesel fuel replacement
- Pharmaceuticals
- Photographic films
- Environmentally friendly refrigerent
DME = Renewable / Biodegradable Diesel Replacement
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Renewable Sulfur-Free Gasoline
Renewable methanol is readily converted to a sulfur-free renewable gasoline.
Methanol to Gasoline
Source: ExxonMobile